Titles in This Set:
1. Rory Branagan
2. The Dog Squad
3. The Big Cash Robbery
4. The Deadly Dinner Lady
5. The Leap of Death
6. The Den of Danger
7. The Great Diamond Heist
Rory Branagan
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am ACTUALLY a detective.
People always say, ��How do you become a detective?��
And I say, ��Ahhhh�� you don��t just FIND YOURSELF suddenly sneaking up on baddies, or diving out of the way as they shoot, or hurtling from an open plane towards the ground! You have to WANT it.��
And what made ME want it? I needed to find out what happened to my dad��
The Dog Squad
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am ACTUALLY a detective.
One day, I will be the biggest detective in the world! And I will find out what happened to my Dad��
But today, a CRIME has been committed on my OWN road. Someone is stealing dogs!
What if they try to take Wilkins Welkin �C my best friend who is also a sausage dog?
I need to find these stinking baddies and I need to stop them!
The Big Cash Robbery
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am ACTUALLY a detective.
This week, my school put on the BIGGEST, BEST school fete the world has ever known. We are raising money to make St Bart’s BOOMTASTIC, with adventure playgrounds and even a DRAGON.
But now the cash has GONE, and my Accomplice Cassidy ‘the Cat’ Callaghan has been BLAMED for stealing it. I’m thinking�� I must use my detectiving to find the real thief and RESCUE the Cat!
The Deadly Dinner Lady
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am DEFINITELY a detective.
An absolutely HUGE crime has been committed at my school . . . Nobody likes our head dinner lady, but WHO would actually try to KILL her? And WHY? It’s up to me and my Accomplice, Cassidy ‘the Cat’ Callaghan, to solve our DEADLIEST crime yet.
The Leap of Death
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective.
Me and Cat are at the most AWESOME event ever �C Car Bonanza, where people are doing epic car stunts, jumping out of planes and breaking world records. It is amazing.
But then one of the stunts goes TERRIBLY WRONG. But was it really an accident, or did someone meddle with the car?! It��s a good job me and the Cat are here, because this is a CRIME, and it needs to be solved��
The Den of Danger
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective.
My dad disappeared seven years ago and I am SO CLOSE to finding him. But then my best friend Cat and I get stuck in the DEADLIEST of DEADLY DANGERS. There are bad guys, a secret room and lethal creatures with sharp, venomous teeth! To find Dad, we must solve our BIGGEST CRIME YET. I��ll tell you the whole story��
The Great Diamond Heist
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am a DETECTIVE, and the time has come for me to solve the BIGGEST and most IMPORTANT mystery in my life: where is my Dad?
The Dame Norton Diamond, the most expensive jewel ever stolen, has been MISSING for seven years �C and so has my dad. Bad guys want to find him. The police want to find him. I need to get there first, and NOTHING can hold me back. Not evil baddies, not the deep, dangerous ocean �C and not even the biggest SHOCK of my life��
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